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Wisbuild Replacement News: To Contractors and A/E Firms: In Early 2024, we plan to introduce the Wisbuild replacement, eBuilder. In order to access eBuilder and participate in upcoming training sessions, you will need to sign up for a MyWisconsinID. Visit MyWisconsin ID Registration and click "Get Started with Our Self Registration." DFD will set up users in eBuilder using the email address currently listed in Wisbuild. If you prefer to use a different email address, please contact us at

Please be advised, all bids received from contractors who are not certified will be rejected. Please access the DFD Contractor Certification web page to apply for certification. Please access the DFD Single Prime Bidding and Contracting web page for more information about how projects will be let under the new system.

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Wisconsin Department of Administration
Division of Facilities Development
101 East Wilson Street
Madison, WI 53707

© 1999, 2000